HFL Education
HFL Education is a leading national provider of school improvement and business support services, training, and resources, which enable schools, educational settings and multi-academy trusts to deliver a great education. We support those we work with to achieve successful long-term outcomes for their children.
HFL Education
Covid and curriculum – what makes a difference to young children’s learning
June O’Sullivan MBE , CEO, London Early Years Foundation joins Mireille MacRaild, Education Services Director - Early Years at HfL to discuss the impact of the pandemic on children’s learning and development in the EYFS and some of the innovative pedagogy used to counteract this.
June will be providing the keynote address at the HfL National Early Years Conference, Childhood development: a fresh look at the curriculum on Wednesday 3rd March 2022 with her talk entitled "Keeping children at the heart of pedagogy” Find out more at hertsforlearning.co.uk/national-early-years-conference